Friday, 19 January 2018 19:41

Healey Museum

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Reading the title of this article a majority of the readers will probably think that this museum is situated in the UK or in the USA. Most of the Healeys were sold there so what would a more logical place for a Healey museum ? Well you’re wrong, the Healey museum is located in the Netherlands just 20 kilometres south of Amsterdam, in a small village called Vreeland. The initiative to create a Healey museum came from Hans van de Kerkhof. As a teenager Hans was already impressed by Austin Healeys which he spotted in his neighbourhood and a few years later he fulfilled his dream and bought his first Austin Healey. From that moment his interest in the marque grew and during the years he started collecting Healeys and everything item related to the marque Healey. The results of his passion and his close relationship to the Healey family are exhibited in this museum which opened its doors on the 24th november 2012.
Wednesday, 04 October 2017 19:13

25th Spa Six Hours - Francorchamps 15-17 September 2017

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The Spa Six Hours racing weekend is on the top three list of the best historic racing events of Europe. It’s the layout of the Francorchamps circuit in the beautiful green Ardennes region and the huge amount of entries (650 vehicles) of the 12 different race series. Although Friday was a bid drizzling, one couldn’t complain about the weather this year. The Saturday- and Sunday-morning were characterized by fog, but the fog dissolved within an hour. During the afternoon many spectators could enjoy the Belgian beer and nice food on the roof terrace of the pitbuilding. Even during the Six-Hours race on Saturday-evening the sun was shining and during the sunset everyone could enjoy the spectacle of the endless number of cars passing by.
Monday, 25 September 2017 18:55

Historic Grand Prix Zandvoort 11-13 September 2017

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The sixth edition of the Historic Grand Prix Zandvoort offered a wonderful mix of race classes and appealing demonstrations. The programme enhanced races for Formula 1 cars from the 70s and 80s, Historic Sports Cars, Touring Cars and GTs, Pre-War Sports Cars. Formula 3 Racing Cars and historic Grand Prix Cars. Every visitor who read the schedule of this event could notice that an early leave from house was necessary to enjoy all sixteen races and nine demonstrations.