MotorMarques Team

MotorMarques Team

Sunday, 25 November 2007 18:56
Published in From France


A l’aube d’une très belle matinée le 14 octobre 2007.  Pendant la  visite en France de  Bill Hunter (du site Motormarques ) et moi-même, nous partons  pour Dangé Saint Romain,Vienne. Parallèlement à cette rencontre, a également eu lieu des expos de vielles motos, de véhicules militaires anciens, de voitures de collection, avec la participation des membres du Teuf Teuf Club, 86140 Scorbé Clairvaux, et plein d’autres clubs de la région. A notre arrivée, nous avons été accueillis par les membres de l’association.
Thursday, 18 October 2007 03:05
Published in European Desk

Citroen's 1933 Rosalie records honoured at Montlhery

The normally quiet backroads that lead to Linas Montlhery, in the southern districts of Paris, were uncharacteristically busy over the weekend of October 6th and 7th this year. The traffic was unusual too in that a fair amount of it consisted of classic Citroens dating back to the 1920s. The occasion was an anniversary celebration of outstanding speed and distance records set by the marque in the early 1930s.
Tuesday, 05 June 2007 21:13
Published in Drivers and Cars

Mahany, Will

William (Will) Mahany is making a name for himself as a very competent driver in VSCC racing.  He comes from a line of keen motorists, his grandfather was a garage proprietor in Cornwall and his father Ian is the world’s leading authority on HRG’s